Q: I have had my nipples [pierced] for about 2 years now. Should I still be having the crusties and actual discharge coming from them? They don’t hurt at all & have no redness. I just can’t figure out why they won’t stop with the nasty stuff coming out of them. Please help! -Anonymous
A: It sounds like there may be some sort of issue going on with your piercings, potentially. It is nearly impossible to guess what that might be without seeing them (Please, no pictures!) but the best person to address your issue is your trusted piercer. It could be an issue with the jewelry (are they implant grade ASTM F-136 titanium? Are they sized appropriately?) or the angle of the piercing or a number of other potential problems. Sometimes nipple piercings heal but require extra TLC to remain healthy but there is no way of knowing what is going on in your specific situation. So please, go to your piercer and let them take a look so they can address your concerns. Best of luck!
Q: I'm SO excited! I have my whole ear piercing project planned out. My question is, can I get multiple piercings done in the same area at once or should I space them out over time? -Chloe
A: So, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The good news is that, yes, you can get multiple piercings done at once. The bad news is that you should not get more than three piercings done in a single session, especially since they’re all going to be in the same basic place. By minimizing the number of piercings done at one time, you allow your body to heal them more efficiently. You should also avoid getting multiple piercings that are all next to each other at the same time to ensure that the resulting swelling doesn’t cause problems with the angles as they heal. And really, since you’re planning on getting them all in the same ear, breaking up the piercings into multiple sessions is simply going to be more comfortable for you physically during the healing process. (Don’t forget to invest in a travel pillow if that is an ear you sleep on!) Happy piercing!
Disclaimer: Body Candy is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to getting pierced. Always consult a professional piercer to make sure a new piercing is right for you!