Legacybox can digitize any and all consumer videotapes like VHS, Betamax, VHS-C, MiniDV, Hi8 and more. Our Digital Workflow™ system creates full-quality digital videos loaded and monitored by hand throughout the process.

Legacybox can digitize 8mm, Super8, Regular 8, and 16mm film. Every film reel is digitized by hand with the same process used by the Academy of Motion Pictures. Our frame-by-frame process uses our proprietary UV LED backlight to keep film cool and safe. Your digitized film will be flicker-free, with smooth playback.

Legacybox can digitize prints, negatives, and slides. Our professional scanning process creates high-resolution images (JPEG) that you can view, share, and enjoy. Single order flow assigns one trained specialist to each order ensuring a careful and attentive conversion.

Legacybox can digitize audio cassettes, mini-cassettes, micro-cassettes and reel-to-reel recordings up to ¼ inch. Our Digital Workflow™ system creates high fidelity digital audio recordings with unparalleled clarity. Of course, everything is handled with care by trained technicians.