Spring Bundles

Spring Bundles

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home and embrace a clutter-free lifestyle. With our 1Thrive wall organizer bundles, you can achieve just that – and save! Check out these tips and tricks below on how to use your 1THRIVE to move you forward into the new season with no overwhelm!

Set a Spring Cleaning Schedule:

 Tackle one room at a time! Breaking down tasks into manageable chunks can make the process less overwhelming. The 1Thrive Weekly 1Write Boards are the perfect add on to do it!

Weekly Spring Cleaning Schedule

Declutter and Organize:

 Take time to go room by room to get rid of what you don't need anymore, donate what you can, and organize what's left! Important paperwork, cards, and papers can be easily filed away using the 1Thrive File Folder, available in either matte black or brushed gold; you decide what fits your style!

File Holder for Spring Cleaning

Make A List and Restock:

 While you're deep cleaning and organizing each room, you can use your 1Thrive to jot down any items you may need to restock! Use the 1Thrive boards to make a list of essentials you're running out of for each room. The Notes & To Do board is perfect for this, or grab one of our larger blank boards if you need more space!

To Do List, Spring Cleaning 1Thrive

Happy Spring Cleaning!