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Book your 2024 trips now for best deals, travel expert says

Blue Shutters Beach, Charlestown (Denise/Chime in)
Blue Shutters Beach, Charlestown (Denise/Chime in)
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If you're planning a trip in 2024, now is the time to book it . There are some great deals being offered during January on airfare, hotels and rental cars.

Technology can help with the process.

Download a price monitoring tool to track prices in advance. That's going to ensure you get the best deal and you're not spending tons of time searching a different websites.

“If you're thinking about a European trip for 2024, I recommend looking at the shoulder season. So traveling in April or May or September, October, you can find some of the best deals," Lindsey Schwimer, Hopper travel expert, said. "If you're planning a summer vacation, what I recommend is start monitoring prices in the new year, start tracking what prices are looking like. If a good deal pops up -- book it. It's likely that prices will go up as we get closer to the summer months. "

For flights, book two to three months in advance for the best deals.

And the top destinations for 2024, may surprise you.

"Tokyo, Japan, places in South Korea, Denmark. We are seeing some new destinations pop up, especially internationally as travelers continue to look to take those bucket list vacations that they may have missed out on during the pandemic period," Schwimer said.

Some other travel tips including being flexible with your dates.

Departing midweek could shave $100 off your round trip ticket and be flexible with your destination.

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