Aurum® Recovery Process


The gold from an Aurum® is easily recovered using standard fire assay techniques. Fire assay is an inexpensive, routine procedure commonly used by jewelers and metal refiners. 

In a fire assay, the Aurum® is cut into strips and rolled into a cylinder before being placed in a ceramic crucible. The material is heated until the protective coating is burned away. After cooling, the remaining material is heated again with borax and cooled a second time. Lastly, the resulting glass is broken open, leaving behind a precise amount of gold.

We recommend seeking the assistance of Valaurum or other industry professionals to recover your gold. Fire assay should never be attempted by inexperienced metal workers or without the correct tools. 

Precision Matters

Cutting edge technologies combined with numerous verification processes guarantee that each Aurum® contains a precise amount of 24k gold.

24k Gold

Physical ownership of gold has never been easier! Unlike gold shares, owning Aurum® puts 24k gold directly into your hands and into your portfolio.

Collect With Confidence

All Aurum® feature built in security measures to ensure that each bill is easy to verify and authenticate.

Flexible Investment

Aurum® are available in small, flexible denominations as low as $3 making it possible to tailor your investment with precise quantities of gold.