Protein Overnight Oats

Protein Overnight Oats Recipe

Overnight oats are a classic. If you haven't had them before ... you're missing out.

Not only are they a quick and healthy meal, but also a potential new favorite breakfast for anyone who needs more protein in their life.

Here's the good news: overnight oats are super customizable.

All you really need is some oats, your favorite protein powder, and a few other ingredients to make it just right.

Give this recipe a try, and I can't wait to hear what you think!

Level-1 Protein Overnight Oats

Protein Overnight Oats

Servings: 1
Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Fridge Time: 12 Hours


  • 1/2 Cup of Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
  • 1 Tsp of Chia Seeds
  • 1 Scoop of Level-1 Vanilla Ice Cream Protein Powder
  • 3/4 Cup of Almond Milk
  • 1 Tsp of Sugar-free Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 Tsp of Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 Tsp of Cinnamon


1. In a large mixing bowl, add the oats, chia seeds, Level-1 protein powder, and cinnamon. Mix them together.

2. Next, add in the almond milk, syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix them in well with the other ingredients.

3. Put the mixture in a mason jar and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.

4. The next day, eat it with your desired toppings! You can top your oats with just about anything ... Just be conscious of how these toppings will manipulate the macros.

Macros Per Serving:

Calories: 393
Protein: 31g
Carbs: 47g
Fat: 9g


If you are in the habit of making meals for yourself several days in advance, you’ll be happy to hear that these protein overnight oats can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Any longer than that, however, and you’ll run the risk of them going bad.

Whether you’re meal-prepping in advance or making a quick snack for later in the day, keep in mind that the longer your oats sit in the fridge, the more soft they will be, so if you’d like your oats to be chewier, don’t let them sit for longer than one night ... even a few hours may be sufficient.

Once you’ve taken them out of the fridge, they can be eaten cold, or you can pop them in the microwave for 30-60 seconds to enjoy them warm.

Looking For More Recipes or Help?

This overnight oats recipe is just one of 1st Phorm’s many easy protein recipes. Out Level-1 Protein Powder comes in a variety of flavors that can be incorporated into many different delicious meals and snacks for some extra protein.

If you’re looking for a taste of fall, try our Pumpkin Spice Protein Recipes. If you enjoy this overnight oats recipe, you may also love our Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats recipe.

Getting ready for spring? Try some fresh, fruity flavors with our Spring Time Protein Recipes. We also have plenty of desserts that will leave your mouth watering and provide you with the extra protein you want.

If you’re looking for a simple snack you can enjoy at home or on the go, our Easy Protein Smoothie Recipes will give you the nutrients and flavors you crave.

If you're looking for more healthy recipes, nutrition tips, or anything else ... reach out to us! Our Customer Service team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches is happy to help ... for free! Just give us a call at 1-800-409-9732 or send us an email at

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