Welcome to the Austin Consumer Packaged Goods Community

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Linkedin Group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12123249
Google Group https://groups.google.com/d/forum/texas-boxed
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Wake Up! CPG Meetup Every 4th Thursday Morning 8:30am Google Calendar
Texas-Squared Startup Newsletter www.texassquared.com
Wake Up! CPG is a new, casual meetup for people interested in the Austin Consumer Packaged Goods Community.

Texas-area CPG brands, retailers, service providers, and local enthusiasts are welcome to join us for a lively discussion about the CPG scene and helping each other grow our businesses and community. We are especially welcoming to new startups and companies just landing in Texas.

Wake Up! is a new, casual meetup for people interested in the Consumer Packaged Goods Community. This event is hosted by Marc Nathan - with generous sponsorship from tech and CPG-focused startup law firm Egan Nelson (http://www.egannelson.com/), Silicon Hills Lawyer blog (http://siliconhillslawyer.com/) and Dell for Entrepreneurs

Wake Up! CPG
Fourth Thursdays of the Month
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Cosmic Coffee and Beer
121 Pickle Rd. Austin, Texas 78704 (map)
Sign up for the free, monthly Texas-Boxed newsletter
Please send tips, news, press releases, and events relevant to the Texas CPG Community to: marc+boxed@tsquaredangency.com