Salmon roe for high-performance humans. Secure early bird access now.

Salmon Roe

Nature’s purest source of six supernutrients that make you feel limitless.


My last presale sold out in 3 days.
Register now to get early access to the ULTIMATE superfood.

Registration guarantees you first access before I offer salmon roe to the public.

My last presale sold out in 3 days.
Register now to get early access to the ULTIMATE superfood.

Registration guarantees you first access before I offer salmon roe to the public.

Dear Carnivore,

If you’ve been getting my emails about salmon roe for the last few months . . .

You know I’m a huge believer in its ability to level up your health and how you feel.

These baby salmon eggs (I call them adult gushers) rank second only to liver in my hierarchy of ultimate nutritional value.

Nursing mothers walked 100’s of miles in prehistoric times to find this for their babies. Similar to how lions and other animals go straight for the liver when killing prey (sometimes leaving the rest), bears often go right for the salmon roe.

(BTW, that video is actually me, not a bear.) 

Salmon roe is so profoundly nutritious that simply rattling off a list of scientific facts wont do it justice.

(You have to feel the impact for yourself before you really “get it.”)
What I will say, is that salmon roe is nature’s purest source of DHA, the omega-3 fat your brain not only craves, but is 25% made up of. This isn’t just feel-good pop science. Research shows that consuming DHA literally makes you smarter.

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If you’ve read books like Grain Brain in horror, wondering if years of pizza and potato chips have irreparably damaged your brain, DHA is a true ally. 

What I’m even more excited about, is the growing evidence that omega-3s specifically from fish do wonders for your overall mental health.

Take this July 2020 study from the medical journal Nutrients, for instance, which looks at the impact of marine DHA on depression, ADHD, bipolar, and autism:

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Long story short: if creativity, flow states, and “getting into the zone” matter to you, DHA should too. 

(Salmon roe is loaded with Choline, Copper, and Selenium as well — all brain boosting supernutrients in their own right. You can read more about those right here.)

DHA is more than a brain booster, though. It exerts potent anti-inflammatory effects, with particularly strong impact on heart health. (Although, since everything in your body is connected, strong circulation and blood flow helps your cognition big time too. . .)

In one study, 3.5 grams per day of fish oil impeded the heart disease process:

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Meanwhile, a study in the journal Openheart found that 2.5 grams per day of marine omega-3s inhibit arterial platelet aggregation (a precursor to heart disease) and improve red blood cell flexibility. 

The researchers concluded that the more marine omega-3s you eat, the more you benefit:

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Salmon roe also houses a special antioxidant I’m fascinated by called Astaxanthin

Aside from giving the eggs their orange glow, astaxanthin is 500 times more potent than Vitamin E, and 6000 times more powerful than Vitamin C. Not to mention it’s highly absorbable, given all the healthy fat in salmon roe.

In one study on diabetics, astaxanthin helped to lower blood sugar, triglycerides and VLDL levels. That is what a true superfood does.

There are way more benefits than I have space to highlight here, but one more for now . . .

If you’re on a carnivore diet, salmon roe is one of the best and only good sources of Iodine (a critical nutrient for thyroid health.)

The bottom line is, salmon roe is special. 

It’s going to level up the way you look, feel, and perform.

I consider it the perfect nutritional sidekick to beef liver crisps.

And I will have a small supply to share with you in January. Register below to secure early bird access now. 

Registration guarantees you first access before I offer salmon roe to the public.

Put your name and email in the box above for first access.

I’ll send you more material on salmon roe as we get closer to January’s presale.

And as soon as the roe is ready I’ll email you a private link to my store.


-Carnivore Aurelius