The DO Lectures

The DO Lectures

Think Tanks

The Encouragement Network

About us

The DO Lectures is an encouragement network for the creative underdog. Our goal is to inspire you and help you reach your potential. It’s that simple. It’s why we do the DO. We are here to help you get from where you are now, to where you could be. That’s not easy and it’s possible you might fall along the way. But you just might fly too. Our talks will help you make that journey. There are over 410 pieces of gold. Stories with heart, ideas and insight. These talks can be your mentor. Some have been watched over 150 million times. The stories shared at DO always bear witness to what’s happening in the world at large. They are told by some of the most progressive DOers and disruptors of our times. But even so, they don’t paint perfect pictures. They are raw, honest and vulnerable. Human. Like us all. And they are free. No advertising, no sponsorships, no hidden agendas. Just incredible, inspiring talks. Ideas + Energy = Change

Think Tanks
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    Like ice cream, being stuck comes in different flavours, what is yours? Stuck has something for everybody. - It’s not the right time. - It’s not the right economy. - I haven’t got enough experience yet. Sprinkle that with a little self-doubt and fear, or even worse, a promotion and a pay rise, and stuck for a short while becomes stuck for a long while. Being stuck is not a big deal; it is part of the ebb and flow of life. The sweet sorrow of being stuck is the sheer amount of time spent there. Change is hard because comfort zones are easy, for sure. But change is hard because it takes 6 years to make a 2-minute call. - Change is hard because we put off. - Change is hard because we defer. - Change is hard because we park the dream even further in the back of our head for sensible, practical, dull logical reasons. The truth is stuck needs a catalyst. For some, being in a cowshed with 30 people will be that ‘at last’ moment. Do Breakthrough. June 13th-16th. West Wales.

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    3 rather awkward questions to ask stuck. Are you happy to be in the same place in five years time? Are you happy to be in the same place in three years time? Are you happy to be in the same place in 1 years time? The future can be different, bright and exciting but it begins by taking the first step. Do Breakthrough. June 13th-16th. West Wales.

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    Is this it? You climbed to the top of your mountain. You got the trappings that go with it. But this question gnaws away at you. -Is this it? -Is this it? -Is this it? Becuase... You are no longer feeling it? The trappings of success are trapping you. And you can’t tell anyone? Everyone wants your job. Except you. You have everything. And nothing. Not every price is paid with money. Some pay with regret. Some pay with a feeling of emptiness. Some pay with time that they can never get back. You are not one career. You are not one mountain. It’s not time to write the next chapter. It’s time to write a whole new book. Do Breakthrough. June 13-16th. West Wales.

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    You are not one career. The blank page between chapters is a gentle reminder of where you are right now. - You are not stuck. - You climbed one mountain. - But it’s time to climb another. But it feels like you have been on the cusp for a while. Life on the cusp is uncertain and exciting. It is less scary to stay where you are. It is more exciting to take the leap of faith. Then you get afraid. And for one single micro-second you decide to settle. Not to twist at life, but to stick. Then your heart tells your head: WTF. Do Breakthrough. Wales. June 13-16th.

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    𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗺 𝗜 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲? This was a conversation I had with one of the attendees from a previous DO Breakthrough. His wife had bought him the ticket. He told me that driving to the retreat, he nearly turned around. He was being honest. And I loved that. He sat quietly. He took lots of notes. But didn't give much away. I wasn't sure if he would turn up for the second day. He did. I wasn't sure he would turn up for the third day. He did. He left the seminar and flew straight back to meet with his founders. He told them his truth. Soon after he left the company that he had helped start. And went and started a company he always wanted to with a new business partner. His wife. This is what happens at DO Breakthrough. June 13th-16th. West Wales.

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    Last month David, and Mike, delivered a hugely successful beta test of the new 'DO Manifesto' workshop live in London. Next month Mike is flying solo, and coaching a live online version on Zoom. Consisting of x4 Two-Hour modules, it’s designed as a short-haul sprint to successful manifesto mastery. Consisting of x4 Two-Hour modules, it’s designed as a short-haul sprint to successful manifesto mastery. If you’re a founder, freelancer, start up or Company of One, it could be a game-changer for you. Full deets here: ps: We’re mailing out a beautifully printed, deep-dive Workbook to everyone who signs up.

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    Earlier this week, David our founder, posted a personal reflection on the power of DO Breakthrough. [Linkedin's word-count limitations mean, we can't show the full text here, but here's the gist]: Dave titled his post: My Brilliant Breakthrough.   "Every morning, I make myself a rehydration drink – salt, lemon juice and a pint of water. I have done it for years. I know the exact date when the practice began. It was April 22 2018. That was the day after the first Do Breakthrough – 5 years, 11 months and 20 days ago. Here's what I discovered: It’s vital to prepare and be ready – change is hard. Therefore, you MUST make it easy. What is hard to do, is also easy to stop. Most people who want to leave 'stuck', try to do too much, too quick. They burn out. Then, one morning, they skip one. And this is where most people stop. They go back to being stuck because they made it too hard to leave. 1. Habits. One Pillar of Change. TL; DR: Make it easy to change. For me, habits are the easiest of the hard thing about change. The two other pillars are the sledgehammers of change. They are powerful. They need to be. 2. Identity. The Second Pillar of Change. If you want to leave stuck, something big but subtle needs to happen.  For example: It’s raining.  Your running kit is wet in your kit bag from the day before.  You went to bed late. The alarm goes off at 6 am. Do you hit snooze? Or do you go and run? Use this reframe to help you change: What would the person who does this a lot do? What would a wise person do? What would a patient person do? A subtle shift in the question you ask yourself is powerful. Not all sledgehammers look like sledgehammers. Don’t underestimate this. When you go running on the days you really don’t want to; you provide evidence to your identity that you are a runner. When the next hard day comes, your identity as a runner will be even stronger. It is the flywheel of change. Use this reframe daily. Rather than fix for the habit, fix for the being first. Who do you need to BE to Do what you want to do? 3. Environment. The Third Pillar of Change. If you want to stop looking at your phone, put it in the other room. Want to stop drinking? Go out with friends that don’t drink. Want to do your first marathon? Run with people who have run a marathon. Your environment is another sledgehammer for change, but most people underestimate it. Do Breakthrough helped so many people become unstuck, (including me), even though they had tried many times before. It was because they had spent 3 days with a group of people who wanted to make a change. And when they all left, they continued to support one another.    We all need encouragement. Sometimes, we need to be able to say I’m struggling right now. We need to be there for others, too. Change needs company. But the right company. Breakthrough 2024 details here: I hope that was of some use. Best from the Far West, David Hieatt"

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    Speaker: Stephen Kinsella. Professor of Economics and Head of Department at University of Limerick. Talk Title: ‘Excellence + Agency = The Future of Education.’. Category: Big Thinking. Date: 2023 Time: 23:07 Professor Steven Kinsella is a highly respected Irish economist, journalist and author. His bio is stellar, but when he got on the stage at The Do, we realised his CV had one glaring omission: He's also hilarious. An economist who'd give any standup comedian a run for their money.  Who knew? #BehaviourChange #Innovation #Purpose #Systems See the full talk here:

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