Busy doesn't work. Do this instead.

Let me start with this frustrating question: What does EASY look like?
Well, if we are being honest with ourselves, it isn't how you are currently doing it? You are working hard enough. But the results aren't there. So you get back on the treadmill, and try even harder. And so it goes on. And on.
It's not a good loop.
I know. I have done it too.
Then, out of pure frustration, I did a 100 day experiment. I didn't think it would work. I started writing mini-posts. I used a simple framework.
I found it EASY to stick to. Because I had made it EASY.
I was NEVER short of something to WRITE. Because my framework made it EASY.
I also worked out that most people were just sharing information. And that was how I could stand out.
Because I knew INFORMATION alone wouldn't trigger the brain like what I was doing.
I called my framework my 'LAZY DISCIPLINE.'
No one was more surprised than me. I was chief cynic.
I didn't plan on turning it into an online course, or now, an in person workshop.
It was just an experiment. That happened to work.
It taught me how to grow my business by creating content without going to BUSY or OVERWHELM.
I would love to share the framework.
It's what EASY looks like.

A word of caution.

There are tons of courses out there. You have done many. Me too.
For most of them, it is questionable if they ever work.
And when they do work, they require even more of your time.
The answer to being less BUSY is not to be more BUSY.
I know too many entrepreneurs whose morning routine finishes in the afternoon. Not even kidding.
Therefore, what you need must be practical. Must work. Must be quick.
I am not a Guru.

I am an introvert.
I don’t crave the spotlight.
I won’t enter raffles in case I win.

I don’t feel the need to Instagram my life.
I have been sea swimming since a year last September.
But you wouldn’t know it from Instagram.
I am as cool with that as the sea is in February.
But I do feel it is important to help the DO community.
That is worth standing up for.

If I find something that can help your future self, I will always share that.
And this is something I had to share.
It’s called Lazy Discipline…

The reason I know it works is because it combines two important but different parts of the equation for me to make content. (And, I think it can help you too.)

It works with my abundance of laziness.
It works with my scarcity of discipline.

It brings together those unlikely bedfellows and gets THEM to gel like super glue.
I didn’t think it would work as well as it did. It surprised me.
It now surprises me every day.
The framework for beating ‘lazy’ ensured that I kept doing it.
The framework for gamifying ‘discipline’ ensured that what I wrote connected with the 3 parts of the brain that trigger engagement.
(It sounds geeky. But, when you understand it, you will stop doing what most people are doing. More on that in a bit.)
A very different way of thinking.
The hard thing about social media is the pressure we put on ourselves to knock it out of the park.
We are ambitious, we want to do amazing stuff, we want perfection.
The cost of that is each post is one almighty quest…and takes time.
And because in our head it must be this BIG THING, we end up not posting often. Because it must be GREAT, right?

But it turns out, posting often is….kinda important.
Think of it like this:
In coffee terms – it will make sense in a bit,
by wanting to do these massive posts, with huge production, well, that is the equivalent of wanting to make a coffee machine.
We would be better off making a single espresso.
Coffee Machines - lots of effort.
Single espressos – easy.

I am an introvert.
I don’t crave the spotlight.
I won’t enter raffles in case I win.

The Argument for Single Espressos.

They are quick to make.
Pack a punch.
You can do one a day.
Without much effort.
So, you can keep going.
And because you have a framework (more on that in a bit) on how to write them, you are never worried about what to write.
Your pipeline comes from your observations each day. That makes it a ‘friction free’ writing approach. This is a huge part of Lazy Discipline.
It lets you win at life as well as business.
So, you have time to go for a coffee with all those other entrepreneurs who seem to have more time than you.
Here’s to that.

Here’s some data.

But for those who have heard it all before, this section is for you.

You know numbers.
(1.67 million views. Likes. Re-shares. Etc.)

Note to self: Information alone won’t get you excited. It starts to think about other things. Like you probably are now.

As much as the logical part of you says you want this for reassurance, the brain actually wants to skip this and find the more interesting bit. Spoiler alert: This next bit the brain will like.

Here’s some emotional intangible stuff. Not data. But stuff that matters. (The brain lights up at this.)

1. Asked to go on podcasts. (30-40)
2. Asked to write a book. (Two)
3. Asked to do keynotes. (Seven)
4. Asked if I wanted investors. (Dozens)
5. Asked if I could be a mentor. (Dozens)
6. Asked to write a piece for a top newspaper. (One)
7. Asked to do consultancy. (Dozens)
8. Asked if they could make a short film at the factory. (4)
9. Asked If they could sell me their social media expertise even though we only just met. (Hundreds)

The interesting thing was, I was writing as part of my experiment so I could learn. I didn’t have anything to sell. Still, all this happened. Regardless.

Here’s some fan mail.

Why most social media content fails.

Most content is information - 'Free tips!'.
Most content is promotional – ‘Buy my life-changing service.’
The brain doesn’t light up with these ALONE.
They are like a decaffeinated coffee. There’s no hit.

Lazy Discipline Framework.

Writing often is ONE PART of it. For sure.
The system gamifies your laziness with a framework of EASY.
But ‘OFTEN’ must have the ‘DISCIPLINE’ of writing to trigger the brain.
Often NEEDS those words to CONNECT.
A single espresso has caffeine.
The Lazy Discipline system has emotion. That is its caffeine.
The framework taught me to make the most of those 10 minutes in which I have to write.
The framework made writing easy.
I was clear on the outcome.
I had to make another human feel something.
I knew information alone wouldn’t trigger that reaction.
But stories with an insight could make people feel something.
While others shared logic and self-promotion, I knew they would only speak to one side of the brain.

The side of the brain that gets bored easily. Hence, the lack of engagement.
Yet, when I wrote a personal post with honest emotion, it connected.
Emotion gets to the part of the brain involved in trust, belief and emotional decision making.
Instead of giving them a free tip, I was helping to reframe how they looked at the world – a trigger.
When you write that way, you’re a source of transformation.
You talk to the heart.
The decision-maker.

That is powerful.

Note to self.

Three parts of the brain that are responsible for making decisions.

1. Amygdala.
2. Hippocampus.
3. Prefrontal Cortex.

The left side of the brain is more analytical, the right side more emotional and intuitive. Information tends to activate the left frontal lobe, which can often mean people are easily distracted. So, while they are reading your information, tips and expertise etc., they are thinking about something else.
Transformation > information.
New perspective > free tip.
Emotion > logic.

Lazy Discipline System.

This is where I share my learning from hundreds of posts on LinkedIn.
It will help you grow your business without really trying. I am talking 10 minutes a day. But because you will be taught the framework, that 10 minutes will pack a punch. Like a good espresso.
It will not involve doing ads. This is all organic.

# Module 1. The Basics.
We need to understand why this works.
We need to understand where we can win. We need to understand the importance of Organic Reach. We need to trigger all parts of the brain.

# Module 2. The Framework.
'I don't know what to write.' This framework will take that pain point away - for good. I will teach you the story framework to follow for each post. I will take you through my best performing posts, and why they worked. It will show you how to easily build a pipeline of content just by learning to observe your every day. And I will show you how to apply those insights from your observations. You will need this to go from 'Blogger to Leadership'. This is not hard stuff.

# Module 3. THE Platform.
This will take you through how to use LinkedIn. That is where I have learnt to play. Everything from the number of hashtags, to your profile to how often to post. And why you can still win on organic posts on LinkedIn.

# Module 4. The System.
Your system for easy. We will show you how to use Evernote. How the simple every day helps you build ‘Coffee machines’ but one single espresso at a time. How your daily notes become a pipeline provider.

# Module 5. Tools and Tips.
Easy is our friend. These tools and tips learned from over a year of doing this will help you keep this EASY. If we keep it EASY, we will keep doing it. And that is why you will win.

# Module 6. 100 Day Challenge.
We have to create a writing habit. Because our consistency will separate us from 98% of all others. The reason we can achieve this is because of 'EASY'. Plus, we will all leave with a writing buddy before the end of the day. You will both help each other to keep going.

If I find something that can help your future self, I will always share that.

Who is this course for?

  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Company of ones
  • Freelancers
  • Consultants
  • Agency owners
  • Anyone struggling on the treadmill of creating more and more content to grow their business…

Recap on what you learn:

  • A framework to make writing easy.
  • How to create content that grows your business without really trying.
  • How to avoid overwhelm.
  • How to turn an everyday conversation into a viral blog.
  • How to do all this without spending a penny.
  • A friction free system of KEEPING you making content. Because the future belongs to those who keep going.

Then in a few moments, it will all be yours.

Lifetime Guarantee.

Who's running it?

David Hieatt. Bankrupt at 16. Thrown out of college at 18. Joined Saatchi and Saatchi at 21. Had a ball. Left advertising to go back to Wales. Started howies in 1995. Sold it to Timberland. Left. Started The DO Lectures, which was voted one of the top 10 ideas festivals in the world by the Guardian. And in 2012 started a company making jeans called The Hiut Denim Co. in his hometown of Cardigan. A town that used to have Britain’s biggest jeans factory. Its purpose is to get 400 people their jobs back. As of today, it now employs 27 people.

You can’t put a price on the value that DO brings you. It’s exceptional.

— Sally Wolff


We've got the answers.

How is this workshop different from the online course?

Good question. The online course covered the basics of the framework. The day workshop will focus on examples, so you will truly understand how the storytelling framework works. So it becomes second nature to you. There will be new tips, tools and exercises to help you really get it.

Will lunch be provided?

Absolutely! Lunch, teas and coffees will all be supplied and included in the price.

What do I need to bring?

Your favourite pen and notebook, and yourself. Nothing more, nothing less.

What time does the workshop start and finish?

Lazy Discipline will run from 9.30am until 4.30pm at Cecil Sharp House, London.

Will there be time to speak directly with David?

The breaks in-between and also lunch is a great time for discussions. At the DO Lectures, we believe that the best conversations happen in the interim.

I have a team and I’d like them to do the workshop. Do you do group discounts?

Great and yes! Drop us an email at info@thedolectures.co.uk with details of how many people are in your team and we’ll sort something out.

Venue details.

We are happy to announce that our London workshops are back. Join us at Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Rd, London NW1 7AY.

Thursday 18th May 2023.
9.30am - 4.30pm.
Tea, coffee and lunch are provided.
100 attendees only.

Lazy Discipline Pro - London Workshop - Thursday 18th May 2023.


Cancellation Policy: In case you can't attend, we will offer a full refund up to 7 days before the workshop starts. After then you will have to find someone to take your place.